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27 Jul 2022


On May 18, 2021, Starcoin publicly held an event to launch the Starcoin mainnet, inviting a group of crypto industry leaders, builders and innovators to witness the birth of the Starcoin mainnet. just a few months after the Starcoin mainnet went online, it has won a lot of attention in the industry and accumulated a group of loyal fans. So what kind of advantages …

Formal verification tools for

Move smart contracts

27 Jul 2022


Smart contracts are an area with very high-security requirements, and a small, inadvertent bug could very well lead to incalculable damage.
Not long ago the Raven Project broke a very low-level bug [1]: the community developer submitted a small patch with only …

Jellyfish Merkle Tree in

Libra Blockchain

27 Jul 2022


This article introduces the Jellyfish Merkle Tree (JMT), a data structure used to store blockchain state data in Libra. The article firstly outlines the role and function of JMT in Libra and its main features; then focuses on its interface and internal implementation; finally, it compares it with Ether’s MPT tree and talks about its advantages and disadvantages …

Starcoin Eco-benefits: Cross-Chain Guide to

Fast-Track Ethereum Learning

27 Jul 2022


In Web3’s grand voyage era, public chains empower data decentralization, and cross-chains break data silos. Therefore, cross-chain is one of the essential basic components of every public chain ecology and an important dimension to measure the maturity of a public chain ecology. Starcoin ecology will soon launch the first decentralized Poly cross-chain bridge …

The Evolution of Smart Contracts in the Design of

Move’s Architecture

27 Jul 2022


This article attempts to analyze Libra’s Move contract from the perspective of the evolution of smart contracts and its architectural design, that is, to answer the question “Why did Libra redesign a programming language? That is, to answer the question “Why did Libra redesign a programming language …

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